Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New beginnings 2012

Happy New Years all !

 A new year is upon us 2012!

Didn't you love spreading your hand across a new exercise book maybe even giving it a sniff ? New beginnings are the best, whether its the start of a new day (well some days) a new pair of shoes or even a new course to run. Each of these is an opportunity for change, to re-create, simply to do something a little different.

A quick ride with Papa Natale in San Giovani la Punta,
they really go big all over Sicily at festive times  

The few adjustments for the Nordstrom casa will be

  • a new Asilo for the children
  • Brigs return to the field
  • arriving in more of Sicily's finest spots  
  • a more aggressive (yeoow!) attempt with the language
  • New Years Eve Central Catania
    We like other parents are picky kindergarten/childcare people so when we arrived, the kids were in Privato Asilo. The kids only went three mornings in the week to enjoy others kids their age, be exposed to Italian and allow us to continue with both of our Rugby commitments. Their new Asilo or more correctly Scuola Materna comes really well recommended. 
    An earlier Scuola Materna of Sicily !  now still in 2012 the Grembuili are being worn,
     just with Hello Kitty, The little Mermaid and Spiderman on the front
    Our new Kindergarten is Aci Trezza's public preschool. It's large, has a uniform (even a gym one), free and has dedicated teachers. A blog may come later. Carlos needed to be closer to 3 years old, which now my baby is : /  We've also been waiting on their Italian comprehension to increase, which it has. We think they're doing better than us, as we hear them constantly add new words and chatting & playing with other kids. They have just had their second day and are still chirpy about the change.
Our home field -  Nicolosi just beneath Mt Etna

I've reduced my time as team physio, now I liaise with a larger well equipped Sports physio centre and look after team pre-match and match care. The orange and blue physio belt bag is still getting some wear and tear and I still get my weekly run onto the field - I'd miss the action otherwise. In this arrangement it doesn't spread me to thin. Earlier it felt like I was attempting a lot while mastering minimal.

Carlitos putting the big hits on Vittorio

Brig has returned to team gym & field training, he's looking good though being at a satisfactory level for return is hopefully late January. In the period of injury, he's still been busy and as positive as one can, in order to contribute. San Gregorio are a group of really talented guys and passionate management so we're looking forward to continuing from last years season in the Top 10 series.

We have made 2012 the 'year of love & kindness', hopefully ; ). It's really caught on with the kids and we are hoping to enact this better both inside & outside the home. Brig came up with this concept (though I'd like to claim it) we've given names to years in hindsight as well as at the time. We've had the 'year of madness' the 'year of houses'.

Monkey village outside of Bangkok - Lopburi
Go the year of the Monkey

I think this idea may have initially been inspired by our honeymoon in Thailand. They have this 12 year animal cycle. This year we are in the Year of the Dragon – Bee Marong. Our Thai friend was born the year of the monkey and he wanted us to see the Lopburi monkey village.  They literally just roam everywhere and are especially keen on tourists snacks and hair accessories. We were glad we went, his wife was born the year of the Rat, fortunately there wasn't a village for that. 

This past Sunday our church speakers gave talks on kindness. A 15yr old girl gave a great talk and spoke on her shift from the States to here, and how it hadn't been so hard with the kindness shown to her even before her arrival. She also gave this neat quote 'Kindness is love with working boots on'.
We wish you well in your 'year of the ______' this 2012 x

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