Monday, November 14, 2011

Those platforms

Carlos at La Grattugia
If its hot, its still summer right .. ? we thought so anyway. When the temperature is still between 25-30 degrees, it was hard to support the notion that summer was over. We were told it was as we looked for swimming gear ... floating rings and wings for the kids, rock shoes for all. No ce estate fine –  no its the end of summer. Sure, Okay

Milan's thinking "this is what I was talking about Papa"

This was part of a club, now there's just the rocks underneath it. Around the year its
a hot spot apparently for Passegiata - the practise of walking to see others & be seen.
There on the Riviera Ciclopi there are these wooden platforms that take you from land to sea, over the black volcanic rocks. They filled the coast line, while most said 'Privato', people were kind enough to let us use them. There were often these cool lounging portions on most of them.. perfect for 'taking the sun' – tanning. In Aci Trezza centre even a few night clubs functioned off them.
So when we saw them all coming down, .. we were puzzled.  Our Rugby friend was also taking the one at his restaurant down explaining because of maintenance they don't stay after summer. We'd just enjoyed a day off his and thought why not. 

Crews of 2-3 would bring down a platform in a day

Sure enough though, literally few days later the storm came – lightning show and all. Huge waves pounded the coast.  Here's a shot after the storm when one of the ladders from a platform was being washed away. Milan spotted it from inside the house, all excited I had to fight the urge to jump in and try to life save that plank of wood. Clearly, I must have been craving a challenge. Our first time - prima volta  it was littered with hurdles. We had knocked out teeth, nil language and a province with a medical system that kept giving me the finger.

The stray wooden platform
Brig (the voice of reason) was out at training at the time, Milan liked the idea of me getting in, though Carlos I'm sure wouldn't have. Over here they call it figlio di mama - a mama's boy which we still think is precious. Anyway summer maybe over, so we'll see what Autumn will bring .. xx

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