Saturday, November 26, 2011

Double Dipping finding church in Sicily

As Church is a important aspect of our family life, we had the desire to find our church branch in Catania. We're members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, commonly know as Mormons. Our beliefs have a bearing on the little and large things we do and while we are very imperfect, our children are a wonderful reminder for us to continue trying. That said Milan & Carlos had been asking and asking for church. After the first meeting in church they attend primary & nursery. There you'll find other kids, songs, great teachers and a child focused message.

We found it! 10minutes from where we live.
So now that we were unpacked (I'm way behind on these blogs, this was really our 2nd week here in late Sept)  and we a had a car and some basic directions, we felt more than ready. Brig allowed an hour for getting lost (going off past experience), though the co-pilot figured that was a bit much.

Our car the first week we arrived.. she still only has three hubcaps.
Milan named our little Benz - Jewel. The kids like 'Rio'

When we lived in Rovigo our closest church was Padova. A nice place but it took 1hr 20mins to get there. Here in Catania we found it in less than 30 mins. We also learned that there are two wards - fist pump! perfect options for sleep-ins - Why not give that a second fist pump!! It turned out we'd timed it for General Conference though. That meant the kids would have to wait another week for their classes, but we got to meet some wonderful people. We learned the two wards here were an English speaking and Italian speaking branch …. stop it.
The Italian ward, a family were leaving so we managed this shot
There are around 180 members in the Italian and 40 in the English. A neat family from the States, invited us back to their place. They've been here for 2 years as a part of a normal 3 year Navy post. They live near the Sigonella Naval base, just 10mins out of town where they have everything - gym, shopping, cinemas. Sweet huh.

Walking into such a warm group of people has made us feel like double dipping – attending both wards/branches could be the go. The icing on the cake, was that we got lent a Navman ... Bellisima!
The likelihood of death on the roads of Sicily had now been reduced.... slightly Xx

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